Statement on the International Human Rights Day 9th December 2019

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day 9th December 2019, we stand in pride for all free people around the world who advocate and defend human rights, in protest against crimes and violations that affect people in various countries, and who denounce the worst situation of Human rights in our country, Yemen .
We write this statement to the local and international public opinion about the human rights, particularly the situation of press and journalists, against whom violations are increasing in severity .
The International Human Rights Day falls while dozens of Yemeni journalists who are in prisons and detention centers are being subjected to all kinds of oppression and abuses and are deprived from the most basic rights to life .
Today, the world commemorates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, at a time we find the Houthi group continues producing tragedies, confiscating rights and freedoms, silencing mouths .
On this occasion we confirm on the following:-
We reject the Houthis' trail of the kidnapped journalists who have been detained in their prisons for five years . We call upon the international and local media outlets to shed more lights on the violations that target the kidnapped and enforced disappearance journalists . We also call on the United Nations and its international organizations and organizations concerned with rights, headed by the Human Rights Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights, to carry out their responsibilities towards the workers of media and press in Yemen . We appeal to the International Federation of Journalists, Federation of Arab Journalists, local and international organizations to pressure on the Houthi group to release the kidnapped journalists . We highly appreciate all the efforts made by all human rights organizations that stand in the face of injustice and oppression against journalists . We reiterates our rejection of all forms of violence, crimes, and abuses committed against Yemenis, and we demand the legitimate government, human rights ministry, and the Ministry of Information to take serious actions that contribute effectively to protect Yemenis and alleviate their sufferings .
Issued by a protest on the International Human Rights Day in Marib, Yemen
10 -12- 2019