SADA: Health of detained Journalists in Houthi prison badly deteriorates

The National Organization of Yemeni Reporters "SADA" has learnt that many of the journalists in Houthis custody are facing serious health issues as a result of long imprisonment, maltreatment and deprivation of healthcare. The notifications received by Sada revealed that the journalist Harith Hamid, who has been kidnapped by the Houthi group for five years, is suffering awful deterioration in eyesight that is causing him a constant headache and he needs to have a surgery. The journalists are:- Abdul Khaleq Omran Issam Bolghaith Hisham Tarmum Akram Al-Walidi Hisham Al-Yousfi Tawfiq Al-Mansouri Slaah Alkadee Sada organization strongly condemned the continued Houthi abduction, torture and inhumane treatment of the 11 kidnapped journalists for five years and denying them of their basic rights to access health care, medicine and food, and confiscating clothes offered to them by their families. The organization demanded the Houthi group to immediately release the kidnapped journalists, pledge to afford for their treatment and compensate them for the years of deprivation they endured in the Houthi prisons. It also called on the United Nations and the International Red Cresent to shoulder their moral and humanitarian responsibilities to release the kidnapped journalists, the organization also demanded baning Houthi group from using the journalists as a card in the negotiations or in releasing its captured leaders through prisoners swap with government forces. Sada reaffirmed that the issue of kidnapped journalists is humanitarian and completely rejected dealing with it as a political case or as a crad of war.